As we approach Mother’s Day, I would like to invite you to take a moment to contemplate, what is/was your mother like? What is/was your relationships with your mother like? What important lessons have you learned from her?
No relationship is perfect, of course. I’m sure there were some challenges, and some very beautiful moments you two spent together.
I had a very tumultuous relationship with my mother growing up. We both had good times but also very challenging times.
A few years ago, I started to bring to mind very simple but meaningful and enriching experiences we had together.
Like cooking ravioli from scratch on Sundays, or helping me shop for clothes, or going for an ice-cream every day after lunch in the summer, or being radiant and kind-hearted with her friends. She also loved to celebrate my birthdays and make them super special for me.
So focusing on taking in the love available in our relationship helped to see who she really was.
I also had a beautiful mothering relationship with my grandma. She had that “I love so much” energy vibe that made me feel so special. In many ways, she helped me heal many of my wounds around being mothered. With her, I felt I was swimming in an ocean of love and acceptance.
Did you have someone in your life who represents a nurturing mothering presence? It might be your real mom or it may not be your actual mother. It may be another family member, or a friend, a teacher or even a caring male presence. If that is the case, honor all those opportunities.
Remember her, picture her in your mind, and take in any of her loving words, kind gaze, facial expressions, gestures, moments when you felt seen, acts of kindness that brought you together. Absorbe it all.
So this weekend, I invite you to see and find nurturing resources to bring a positive mother or mothering presence into your life. The practice of visualizing receiving and giving love, warmth and acceptance is immensely healing, it expands our heart and soothes our nervous system.
And if you are a mother yourself, celebrate this magical gift Life has granted you.
Beautiful and helpful. Hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day Monica!
Miss her. Thank God for Jesus.