Did you know that buffalos and cows behave very differently when facing storms? While cows will run away from an approaching storm, buffalos have a tendency to run straight towards it.
Cows see storms as a threat and react out of fear, so their instinct is to flee to safety. As they run away from the storm, eventually the storm catches up to them, and they naturally spend more time in the worst of it.
Buffalos, on the other hand, do not seem to perceive storms as dangerous. Their thicker coat and larger size makes them better equipped to withstand heavy wind and rain. Without the same survival concerns as cows, a buffalo’s instinct is simply to run headfirst towards the storm. Even though it may seem counterintuitive, it makes a lot of sense. Soon, the storm will pass, and they will be able to get through it much faster. By facing it, they will spend less time in it, and their discomfort will be minimized.
This is a wonderful analogy which shows us that how we approach and deal with challenges is greatly influenced by our mindset.
If we see obstacles as threats, and try to avoid them or retreat from them, we will inevitably suffer for longer periods of time. But if we face our challenges and try to remain composed remembering our strengths with courage in spite of the fear, we will likely resolve the difficulty sooner and suffer less.
Like the buffalo, having an adventurous and resilient attitude allows us to charge boldly towards life’s storms. While the easy route is to shy away, the braver path is often the one that leads to growth. The next time a challenge arises, remember the lesson of the buffalo – keep your head up and keep moving forward.
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