A Medicine Woman’s Prayer
I will not rescue you
for you are not powerless.
I will not fix you
for you are not broken
I will not heal you
for I see you in your wholeness.
I will walk with you
through your darkness
as you remember
your light.
We are all born with an inner light, a sense of wholeness and goodness within. Yet, life can cast shadows that dim our light and make us feel broken. We may seek rescue from others, hoping they can fix what we see as flaws. But true healing comes from within.
The poem reminds us that we already possess the power and light within ourselves. No one needs to rescue us or make us whole, for we are already whole. No one needs to fix us, for we are not broken. We simply forget our innate goodness at times.
The key is to walk ourselves back home, into the light, sometimes with help from others who can walk beside us and remind us of our true selves. In the end, we heal ourselves by reconnecting with our wholeness. Others can support and guide us, but the journey of true healing begins from within and is one we take ourselves.
The darkness will pass in time, and we will find our way back into the light, when we remember that the light was within us all along. We were never truly broken or in need of fixing – we simply lost sight of our wholeness for a while. But it is always there, waiting to be remembered once more.
I spent this beautiful fall day outside taking in the Light.
I discovered a lovely community beach on the Bay where I sat and rested my weary brain and regained much peace of mind. Thanks for encouraging me today.