The Swedish “Brainz Magazine” published this piece I wrote on how to use prosody for effective conversations.
All of us will encounter challenging conversations at some point in our lives. In a time where there is such a variety of views regarding politics, social norms, climate, religion, wellness and even nutrition, opportunities for discrepancies abound.
Having successful relationships makes a big difference in the quality of our experience. In order to do that, we need to accept the fact that people do not always agree. Far from being a problem, disagreement encourages us to reflect, refine and clarify our own ideas.
Dealing with differences of opinion with people we care about can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to ruin relationships if we go about it the right way.
Prosody plays a very important role on the quality of conversations we engage in. What is prosody?
What is Prosody?
The tone and cadence of our speech, known as prosody, plays an important role in how we communicate, especially during disagreements and arguments. Even if we use the same words, different prosodic patterns can drastically alter the meaning and impact of our message.
Calm Tone vs Aggressive Tone
When we speak in an even, calm tone with appropriate pauses and a moderate pace, it signals that we are being reasonable and open to discussion. Keeping the pitch of your voice low will also convey a sense of peace. This can help deescalate tensions and make the other person more receptive to what we say.
However, an aggressive tone of voice with rapid speech, high volume and lack of pauses may cause the listener to become defensive or angry in return, making productive communication difficult.
Why Prosody Matters
Tone of voice matters immensely while disagreeing respectfully. Using a gentle tone conveys that you still value the person despite the disagreement. Raising your voice or speaking sharply sends the opposite message and puts the other person on the defensive.
Being mindful of your tone and word choice shows the other person you still ……… Continue reading HERE
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