Challenges are the fuel for growth, progress, and learning. When we are in the midst of a challenge, we usually feel overwhelmed & discouraged.
We fear that things will never change, that we do not have the resources to navigate the difficulties.
Remembering that things do not happen to us, that they happen FOR us, helps us to take a different perspective.
It may look horrible right now; you may feel that this “winter” in your life will never go by.
However, every season is transitory, and if you can focus on what is right, which is always available, and on the many ways you are growing as a result of this issue, you will be able to feel much better.
We never grow in comfort. We always grow in discomfort.
It is only in retrospect that we can see how much we have evolved and all the possibilities that opened up for us as a result of our struggles.
When I look back on my own life, I can see clearly that the suffering I once went through was preparing me for a future I had never even dreamed of.
Many times, we need to trust the natural unfolding of events. Life can be magical and incredibly surprising sometimes.
Let’s trust that everything is working out for our highest good one way or another 💕🙏
This is so beautiful!
I love it.
Thank you