To assist as many as possible, scholarships will be limited to one program per year per individual. The amount awarded to an individual will be limited to half the cost of the program.
To be considered for a scholarship, please, complete this scholarship application form at least 4 weeks before the program begins. Please consider applying as soon as registration opens as funds are limited.
1. Fill out the Scholarship Application form below.
2. You will be notified of the award amount via e-mail. If approved, you will be sent instructions on how to complete payment. A deposit of ½ of your payment will be due when you are confirmed for the program.
3. If you cancel, the regular cancellation fee and policy apply. Late cancellations do not give us time to offer the space or scholarship award to someone else. Please remember that late cancellations make it difficult to fill your space.
We are committed to doing what we can to help you attend this event.
Please, complete the Scholarship Application Form