Challenges are the fuel for growth, progress, and learning. When we are in the midst of a challenge, we usually feel overwhelmed & discouraged.
We fear that things will never change, that we do not have the resources to navigate the difficulties.
Remembering that things do not happen to us, that they happen FOR us, helps us to take a different perspective.
It may look horrible right now; you may feel that this “winter” in your life will never go by. […]
Progress isn’t Always Loud
Do you ever feel like you’re working your butt off but not getting anywhere? Like you’re putting in all this effort, but the progress just isn’t as loud and obvious as you’d hope?
I get it, I really do. We live in a world that celebrates the big, flashy wins. The overnight successes and viral moments. But here’s the thing – real, lasting progress? That’s rarely a screamingly loud affair.
More often than not, […]
The Difference Between Joy & Happiness
Life has its ups and downs. We go through cycles, through different seasons. Some cycles are like spring, some are like winter, some are long, some are short, some hard, some are easy.
And we’re in winter right now. Each season has a different emotion. Until we feel exhausted. It’s important to remember that these cycles are transitory. Luckily, no war lasts forever, no political situation lasts forever, no health issue lasts forever, no economy lasts forever. […]
Resistance to what IS breeds dissatisfaction. Much of our pain comes from wanting things to be different than they are. Yet reality is as it is, and fighting against it is futile and only brings more struggle. Acceptance is crucial to stop suffering.
When we accept things as they are in this present moment, a deep feeling of peace can arise within us. Suddenly, there is no longer friction between our desires and reality. […]
What Can a Buffalo Teach us?
Did you know that buffalos and cows behave very differently when facing storms? While cows will run away from an approaching storm, buffalos have a tendency to run straight towards it.
Cows see storms as a threat and react out of fear, so their instinct is to flee to safety. As they run away from the storm, eventually the storm catches up to them, and they naturally spend more time in the worst of it. […]
This is my secret ~ J Krishnamurti
This is a story about J. Krishnamurti, the great Indian philosopher and spiritual teacher. For over 50 years he travelled all over the world, speaking, teaching trying to explain in words concepts and ideas that are beyond words. I read a story about him once surprising his audience by saying he was going to reveal his secret “Do you want to know my secret?”
So, as you can imagine, everyone was listening attentively. Everyone wanted to hear the secret of his wisdom. […]
The Tigers & The Strawberry
Someone I know brought up his fear of old age and death. It made me think of a Zen Parable I had read a long time ago. I always carry it close to my heart and it has been a source of inspiration for me.
Have you ever heard about the Zen Parables? They are called a Koans, a Japanese term that dates from the 7th century. These parables were used to produce doubt, […]
What impermanence can teach us
Here is this blog in Spanish
When we realize that the nature of things is change, our appreciation, our gratitude and our ability to value what we have when we have it increases exponentially.
Like nothing else, impermanence can teach us how to treasure every aspect of life and how to live fully. Let’s not wait. Life is as fragile as a sand castle. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. […]
The Gift of Uncertainty
What Impermanence can Teach Us
About the Preciousness of Life
Clearly, we are living through uncertain times.
Things seem to be changing so radically and so fast that, unless we are aware of what is going on, we might experience a sense of instability that may have a profound impact on the way we feel both emotionally and physically.
In this transition to unpredictability, there is one practice that has been at the center of my wellbeing. […]
La Copa ya está Rota
¿Qué nos puede enseñar la impermanencia
acerca de lo valioso de la vida?
Here is this post in English
Cuando nos damos cuenta de que la naturaleza de las cosas es que nada es eterno, que todo cambia, nuestra apreciación, nuestra gratitud y nuestra capacidad de valorar lo que tenemos cuando lo tenemos aquí, en este momento, aumenta exponencialmente.
Como ninguna otra cosa, la impermanencia puede enseñarnos cómo atesorar cada aspecto de la vida y cómo vivir plenamente. […]