Free Meditations by Monica
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These meditations were recorded live
either at Monthly Virtual Master Classes or
at our Lunch Break Monday Meditations
Releasing Limiting Beliefs Meditation
Do you ever think you are not good enough, talented enough, attractive enough, healthy enough, or that you are too old, or even too young to be in a certain position? Beliefs like “I don’t have enough money,” or “I will never succeed” become barriers to our progress.
These beliefs actually come from our brain trying to protect us from suffering in some way; they come from a state of fear that keeps us from stepping into new opportunities, and they inevitably hold us back from the best person we can be.
Those are limiting beliefs and we all experience them from time to time, so you are not alone, but learning how to identify them can prevent those thoughts from driving your life.
Limiting beliefs are states of mind about yourself that restrict you in some way. They are thoughts that can become obstacles to our potential and to our growth. They usually have a ripple effect, coloring every aspect of our lives in a negative way.
Limiting beliefs lead to a distorted perception of who you are, and it has the potential to leak into other areas of how you perceive life in general. They can be rooted in a false self-image of yourself, a time when you were made feel small or inadequate.
But there is a way to recognize them and work with them.
I am sharing the following meditation with you to support you in releasing limiting beliefs. Hope you enjoy it.
Starting the New Year Meditation
This meditation will give you a sacred space to reflect on the year ahead, and to create who you would like to be in 2025. Your past does not need to dictate your future. No matter what the past year brought to your doorstep, you can be the creator of the year ahead.
So the intention of today’s meditation is to give you a sacred space to imagine the year ahead. To let go of the challenges, pain or experiences that have occurred in the past so you can create anew in this present moment. This mediation was recorded live in our Lunch Break Monday Meditations.
Self- Compassion Meditation
As human beings we tend to be very hard on ourselves. Sometimes we even treat ourselves as if we were our worst enemy, criticizing and judging what we do. Some may think that way of treating ourselves will motivate us to do things better. However, research studies show that is far from true. On the contrary, the more we accept ourselves and the more compassion we bring to our humanness, the more we can transform our life to the better. This 11+ minute guided meditation is specially helpful when you are navigating challenging times. It provides a moment for you to find self compassion. Profound transformation in our lives can occur by bringing self compassion.
Getting Unstuck & Letting Go
This meditation gives you an opportunity to shed and let go of whatever it is in your life that is causing stagnation. It may be habits or thought patterns that have become obstacles to your peace of mind, growth and expansion. You will be able to explore your inner life and create an elevated space for calmness and freedom.
Much gratitude to Kelly Lacy for filming this beautiful scenery
Meditation: How to Make a Wise Decision
In this meditation, Monica guides you in resting your nervous system so you can be calm. In that calmness, you can go within and reflect on the best options you have to make a wise decision. The purpose of this meditation is to restore self-trust in our inner knowing. Sometimes, our distrusting parts can sabotage our capacity to make wise decisions, and we doubt ourselves, our high levels of perception and intuitiveness leading to a lack of self-confidence. With this meditation, you can bring a mindful clarity to what it is that you really want at this time in your experience. You can always come back to it when facing challenging situations. This meditation will guide you to gradually get to know and befriend your inner knowing and your intuition. Trust that this process unfolds organically once your awareness, and your internal resources are engaged in a safe and supportive manner which we will do with this meditation.
Somatic Meditation to Relax & Embrace our Emotions
In this meditation, recorded live, Monica guides us in a moment of stillness where we can connect to our emotions and how they are expressing themselves in our bodies, and hold them with kindness and gentleness so we can make peace with them.
Meditation on Making Peace with your Thoughts & Emotions
This is the practice meditation for this talk: Four Steps to Cultivate Mental Strength in Challenging Times. Many of us may feel at war with our unpleasant thoughts and emotions sometimes. We may feel bombarded by their intrusion and we do not know what to do. Our natural tendency is to fight them or repress them. In this meditation, Monica guides us to observe our thoughts and emotions without ignoring or repressing them. We will bring awareness to them and we will change our relationship to them so we can let them go. This meditation is an adaptation of a very simple practice taught by Thich Nhat Hanh.
Diaphragmatic Breathing or Navel Meditation
In this meditation, you will be using the natural rhythms of the breath and the belly to train our concentration and deregulate our nervous system.
Meditation to Move your Emotional Energy
If you feel you are in a period of emotional rut, sad, anxious, worried, or you have been feeling an unpleasant emotion for a long time, this meditation will help move your emotional energy by focusing in an area that is currently holding your emotions.
How to Work with Challenging Emotions (Part 2 – Meditation)
Stress and other unpleasant emotions often result in a buildup of energy that gets suppressed in the body and which is experienced as tension or contraction. In this meditation, Monica guides us to engage our internal resources and loosen that pent up energy through body sensations and emotional release. For Part 1 (Talk) please click here.
Grounding and cultivating loving kindness for ourselves
Meditation to Ground Yourself and Connect with your Emotions
Self-Compassion Meditation to Meet Challenging Emotions
You may be feeling concerned, worried or anxious in these challenging times. Please, know that everything you are feeling is completely normal. Recognizing your suffering instead of resisting it is the first step towards healing the pain.
We can always learn how to meet our suffering with self-compassion, gentleness and kindness.
This practice will help you find balance and equanimity, and will help you stay grounded in moments of distress. We all experience painful moments, it is just part of being human. Self – compassion helps you to connect to your inner self and find calm.
Self-compassion meditation allows you to connect to yourself
Meditation on our Propensity to Resist Change
Setting the Conditions for Good Health & Well-Being Meditation
Relax & Reconnect to your Power
Body Scan
Our brain becomes very active sometimes, and trying to calm the voices in our head may be pretty challenges. However, we can connect to our body to calm down the activity in the brain. With this simple body scan you will give yourself a pause from thinking and in that way find emotional balance.
Calming Meditation to Meet Fear & Uncertainty
In this pandemic, many of our emotions will be intensified: our fear and anxiety, our anger and disappointment, our loneliness and sadness, our boredom and impatience will be knocking on our door more insistently. The invitation, then, is to feel them in our bodies, to become curious about them, and in this way to allow them to dissolve.
This meditation is a visualization to help us find a refuge during any moment in which we feel a strong emotion.