Have you ever found yourself stuck in conversation at a family gathering?
Maybe you have a nosy aunt who loves asking you super personal questions you don’t want to answer. Or a cousin who manages to dump all their problems on you at every party. Feeling like you’re stuck in a conversation you can’t seem to get out of is the worst!
If this is an experience you have with close family it can speak to a deeper boundary dysfunction. […]
What is a Glimmer?
Valerie Kaur, author of “See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love”, tells us that Glimmers are those seemingly ordinary moments of wonder in your life — when you are arrested by the sunset or swell of music or your child’s face, and the line between you and everything blurs — are not throw-away moments. They are actually portals into the sacred nature of things. […]
What Can a Buffalo Teach us?
Did you know that buffalos and cows behave very differently when facing storms? While cows will run away from an approaching storm, buffalos have a tendency to run straight towards it.
Cows see storms as a threat and react out of fear, so their instinct is to flee to safety. As they run away from the storm, eventually the storm catches up to them, and they naturally spend more time in the worst of it. […]
As children, we see ourselves in the eyes of those we love and respect.
Shame often begins in childhood through experiences with parents, siblings, peers and others.
Children are susceptible to feedback and learn at a very young age what behaviors elicit praise or disapproval from others. Repeated experiences of embarrassment, rejection, humiliation or/and disapproval can become internalized, shaping a child’s self-concept and belief systems.
These experiences may not be remembered consciously, but they are internalized in the unconscious, […]
Sound of Freedom
A Great Movie to See
We went to see Sound of Freedom on Sunday. It was released only in theaters on July 4, and it is now #1, making over $100,000,000 (up to today, July 20) overpassing Mission Impossible & Indiana Jones, in spite of being silenced by Hollywood, Disney, Amazon & Netflix.
It is the amazing true story of Tim Ballard, a former Homeland Security agent who after rescuing a boy from ruthless child traffickers, […]
Energy Givers vs Energy Takers
When it comes to energy levels, there are certain things that give us energy and others that sap our energy.
On the positive side, energy givers like healthy eating, exercise, socializing, good thoughts, gratitude and proper sleep. Foods high in nutrients and lower in processed sugar provide long-lasting energy. Regular physical activity can improve mood, sleep quality, and overall vitality. Connecting with others through meaningful conversations and activities energizes us and gives us a sense of purpose. […]
How to work with anger
Monica explores how to meet anger with conscious awareness
This article was first published on Lion’s Roar on June 28, 2022.
While I don’t consider myself an angry person, I have always had an open curiosity about anger. As a child, I remember experiencing deep fear in the chaotic moments of my mother’s angry spells. I felt helpless and anxious, but I suppressed these emotions because of my fear of adding more intensity to my mom’s outbursts, […]
Como trabajar con la ira
Monica Jordan explora como relacionarnos con la ira de una manera consciente
Este artículo fue publicado en Lion’s Roar el 28 de junio de 2022
Aunque no me considero una persona que se enoja fácilmente, siempre he tenido mucha curiosidad con respecto a la ira. Cuando era niña, recuerdo haber experimentado un miedo profundo en los momentos caóticos de ira de mi madre. Me sentía impotente y ansiosa, […]
The Art & Power of Listening
Every act of communication is an act of tremendous courage in which we give ourselves over to two parallel possibilities.
First, the possibility of being seen and understood, and of being accepted.
At the same time we are planting into another mind a seed sprouted in ours, and watching it blossom into a breathtaking flower of mutual understanding says Ursula Kroeber Le Guin in her book The Wave in the Mind
Feeling understood brings along a sense of validation that connects us to the other, […]
Cómo Empezar el 2022 Emocional y Espiritualmente Fuertes
Comenzamos un nuevo año, y con él tenemos la oportunidad de comenzar un nuevo capítulo en nuestras vidas.
Nos hacemos promesas con respecto a lo que queremos lograr, pero pronto nos olvidamos de ellas.
¿Por qué es tan difícil cumplir con nuestras metas de Año Nuevo a pesar de nuestras mejores intenciones? Desde una perspectiva terapéutica, para que una resolución funcione es fundamental incorporar al proceso la autoconciencia y la autorreflexión honesta.
Podemos diseñar un cambio real y permanente si nos tomamos un tiempo para mirar hacia atrás, […]