Have you been hard on yourself for feeling tired & unmotivated? Have you judged yourself for not achieving your goals? Well…. there is a reason why you are feeling that way: you may have been living in survival mode.
May be just getting through each day has taken everything you have. Dealing with stress, difficulties, and the constant pressure of getting it all done may have left you with nothing in the tank. It’s exhausting. […]
When our Emotional World is Set on Fire
Triggers set our emotional world on fire
The stories we weave in our mind become so vivid and rich, even colorful and persuasive sometimes, that we believe our own creative narratives, and we drive ourselves crazy with worry, anxiety, or anger.
In The Path is Everywhere: Uncovering the jewels hidden within you, Matt Licata, PhD, gives an accurate description of what we experience when we are triggered: our emotional world is set on fire. […]
I understand the urge to help others and make them happy. But it’s equally important to take care of yourself first. You cannot pour from an empty cup.
Recharging your own batteries is absolutely crucial. Taking time for yourself does not make you selfish – it makes you effective. When your energy is full, you can show up for others from a place of abundance rather than scarcity and burnout.
So give yourself permission to rest. […]
The Tigers & The Strawberry
Someone I know brought up his fear of old age and death. It made me think of a Zen Parable I had read a long time ago. I always carry it close to my heart and it has been a source of inspiration for me.
Have you ever heard about the Zen Parables? They are called a Koans, a Japanese term that dates from the 7th century. These parables were used to produce doubt, […]
How to Navigate Transitions in Times of Uncertainty
This article was originally published in Lion’s Roar Magazine. It was also published in the Spanish edition of Lion’s RoarMagazine.
Below is my latest article on Lion’s Roar Magazine. In it I reflect on my experience moving from Argentina to the USA, and then to Paris, France, and how my perception of life transitions completely changed in the process.
To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest. […]
How to work with anger
Monica explores how to meet anger with conscious awareness
This article was first published on Lion’s Roar on June 28, 2022.
While I don’t consider myself an angry person, I have always had an open curiosity about anger. As a child, I remember experiencing deep fear in the chaotic moments of my mother’s angry spells. I felt helpless and anxious, but I suppressed these emotions because of my fear of adding more intensity to my mom’s outbursts, […]
Como trabajar con la ira
Monica Jordan explora como relacionarnos con la ira de una manera consciente
Este artículo fue publicado en Lion’s Roar el 28 de junio de 2022
Aunque no me considero una persona que se enoja fácilmente, siempre he tenido mucha curiosidad con respecto a la ira. Cuando era niña, recuerdo haber experimentado un miedo profundo en los momentos caóticos de ira de mi madre. Me sentía impotente y ansiosa, […]