Brainz Magazine just published one of my articles. Check it out!!
Anxiety and grief may be flowing through our system now. Our hearts may feel tender and raw for the suffering we see around us these days. Some of us may be experiencing unspeakable personal challenges as well, and when we add the unprecedented conflicts that have shattered the world as we knew it, we may find ourselves irritated and impatient, […]
Holding Space for Someone
What is to hold space for someone?
Holding space for someone simply means being present for them without judgment. It means allowing someone the time and freedom to feel, process and work through their emotions and experiences in their own way so they can heal.
When you hold space for someone, you listen openly and actively, offer empathy and understanding. You provide a safe container for them to be vulnerable.
You give them the freedom to feel, […]
The Difference Between Joy & Happiness
Life has its ups and downs. We go through cycles, through different seasons. Some cycles are like spring, some are like winter, some are long, some are short, some hard, some are easy.
And we’re in winter right now. Each season has a different emotion. Until we feel exhausted. It’s important to remember that these cycles are transitory. Luckily, no war lasts forever, no political situation lasts forever, no health issue lasts forever, no economy lasts forever. […]
What is Abundance?
At its core, abundance is the state of having more than enough of something. Abundance describes a situation of overflowing wealth, resources and opportunities. However, abundance is not just about having a lot of material things.
True abundance comes from a mindset of openness and gratitude. An abundant mindset appreciates what you have, rather than focusing on what you lack. It sees possibility in every situation and finds opportunities all around. […]
Resistance to what IS breeds dissatisfaction. Much of our pain comes from wanting things to be different than they are. Yet reality is as it is, and fighting against it is futile and only brings more struggle. Acceptance is crucial to stop suffering.
When we accept things as they are in this present moment, a deep feeling of peace can arise within us. Suddenly, there is no longer friction between our desires and reality. […]
Caring for Each Other
We are social creatures, designed to rely on and support each other. Yet in today’s fast-paced, individualistic society, we often lose sight of this.
Taking care of one another starts with basic human compassion. When we see someone struggling, reaching out a helping hand, offering a kind word, or just listening without judgment can make all the difference. Small acts of kindness, done regularly, build up community resilience and wellbeing.
We also must realize that we are all in this together. […]
What is a Glimmer?
Valerie Kaur, author of “See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love”, tells us that Glimmers are those seemingly ordinary moments of wonder in your life — when you are arrested by the sunset or swell of music or your child’s face, and the line between you and everything blurs — are not throw-away moments. They are actually portals into the sacred nature of things. […]
How to Respond to the Heartbreaking News
So much happens around us every day that tugs at our heartstrings and evokes strong emotions.
We see heartbreaking stories of suffering, injustice and tragedy in the news, on social media and in our communities. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of pain out there.
Yet we must find a way to keep our emotional balance. Being overwhelmed with outrage and sorrow helps no one, least of all those who are suffering. […]
A Medicine Woman’s Prayer
A Medicine Woman’s Prayer
I will not rescue you
for you are not powerless.
I will not fix you
for you are not broken
I will not heal you
for I see you in your wholeness.
I will walk with you
through your darkness
as you remember
your light.
We are all born with an inner light, a sense of wholeness and goodness within. Yet, life can cast shadows that dim our light and make us feel broken. […]
Be Aware of what you Say to Her
Be aware of what you say to her…
She listens.
She watches. She takes it all in.
She thinks you are beautiful.
Stop telling her you are on a diet.
She listens when you say you are fat, ugly or when things are wrong..
She listens as you cry, swear, step on the scale every single day and maybe several times a day and speak badly about yourself.
Because in her eyes, she will one day remember.. […]