Barely the day started and
it’s already six in the evening.
Barely arrived on Monday
and it’s already Friday.
.. and the month is already over.
.. and the year is almost over.
.. and already 40, 50 or 60 years
of our lives have passed.
.. and we realize that we lost
our parents, friends.
.. and we realize it’s too late
to go back.
So.. Let’s try, despite
everything, to enjoy
the remaining time. […]
Does Time Heal All Wounds?
Do you think time heals all wounds? The ox asked the rabbit.
The rabbit shook her head and replied, I don’t think it’s time that heals. It’s what you do with time that makes us better or worse.
Time can definitely help us gain some perspective and distance from painful experiences. But I don’t think it’s just the passage of time itself that really does the healing.
It’s what we actively do with that time that makes the biggest difference. […]
Life is Like a Cup of Coffee
Stories can move us and change our state of mind.
That’s how powerful stories can be.
Not long ago, on a day when I had started to feel overwhelmed by too many deadlines, I came across this anonymous lovely story. As soon as I read it, I saw the wisdom in it. I could immediately come back to my center, see things more clearly, from a different perspective and reconnect to what really matters. […]
How to Navigate Life’s Turbulent Waters
No matter how calm the seas may seem at times, life will always bring its share of storms. Some come as rip currents, pulling us under for a moment before we find our footing again.
Others roll in as full-fledged hurricanes, threatening to upend everything in their path. But with the right skills and mindset, we can weather any storm that comes our way.
How we weather these storms and emerge from them, determines not just our short-term wellbeing, […]
What is Abundance?
At its core, abundance is the state of having more than enough of something. Abundance describes a situation of overflowing wealth, resources and opportunities. However, abundance is not just about having a lot of material things.
True abundance comes from a mindset of openness and gratitude. An abundant mindset appreciates what you have, rather than focusing on what you lack. It sees possibility in every situation and finds opportunities all around. […]
Resistance to what IS breeds dissatisfaction. Much of our pain comes from wanting things to be different than they are. Yet reality is as it is, and fighting against it is futile and only brings more struggle. Acceptance is crucial to stop suffering.
When we accept things as they are in this present moment, a deep feeling of peace can arise within us. Suddenly, there is no longer friction between our desires and reality. […]
What is a Glimmer?
Valerie Kaur, author of “See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love”, tells us that Glimmers are those seemingly ordinary moments of wonder in your life — when you are arrested by the sunset or swell of music or your child’s face, and the line between you and everything blurs — are not throw-away moments. They are actually portals into the sacred nature of things. […]
When our Emotional World is Set on Fire
Triggers set our emotional world on fire
The stories we weave in our mind become so vivid and rich, even colorful and persuasive sometimes, that we believe our own creative narratives, and we drive ourselves crazy with worry, anxiety, or anger.
In The Path is Everywhere: Uncovering the jewels hidden within you, Matt Licata, PhD, gives an accurate description of what we experience when we are triggered: our emotional world is set on fire. […]
In a Dark Place or Just Been Planted?
Sometimes when you are in a dark place you may feel you have been buried, when in fact you have been planted.
This quote by Christine Caine holds a profound truth about hardship and struggle. When we are going through difficult times, it can feel like we are trapped in darkness with no hope or escape. The quote suggests that what feels like being buried in darkness may actually be a planting – […]
Repair in Relationships
Arguments and conflicts are a natural part of any relationship, but how those conflicts are resolved and repaired afterward greatly impacts the overall health and longevity of the relationship.
Underneath our encounters there are sometimes feelings of grief and sadness, the profound need to be seen, heard and understood, and a longing to reconnect.
Often, these arguments can open the door to renew the energy and intimacy of our bond with our partner. […]