Barely the day started and
it’s already six in the evening.
Barely arrived on Monday
and it’s already Friday.
.. and the month is already over.
.. and the year is almost over.
.. and already 40, 50 or 60 years
of our lives have passed.
.. and we realize that we lost
our parents, friends.
.. and we realize it’s too late
to go back.
So.. Let’s try, despite
everything, to enjoy
the remaining time. […]
The Greatest Act of Self Love
This quote encapsulates a powerful lesson we need to learn about valuing oneself and setting boundaries:
“This year, I learned to step away from people and spaces where I don’t feel valued.
I stopped overexplaining, forcing connections, and seeking validation from others. I trusted my intuition, set boundaries, and removed my energy without guilt.
I realized that protecting my peace is essential and that choosing myself is the greatest act of self-love.”
Isn’t that just so on point? […]
Does Time Heal All Wounds?
Do you think time heals all wounds? The ox asked the rabbit.
The rabbit shook her head and replied, I don’t think it’s time that heals. It’s what you do with time that makes us better or worse.
Time can definitely help us gain some perspective and distance from painful experiences. But I don’t think it’s just the passage of time itself that really does the healing.
It’s what we actively do with that time that makes the biggest difference. […]
How To Work With Anxiety & Grief
Brainz Magazine just published one of my articles. Check it out!!
Anxiety and grief may be flowing through our system now. Our hearts may feel tender and raw for the suffering we see around us these days. Some of us may be experiencing unspeakable personal challenges as well, and when we add the unprecedented conflicts that have shattered the world as we knew it, we may find ourselves irritated and impatient, […]
How to Challenge Negative Thoughts
Did you know most humans have between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day?!!
Thoughts could be a wonderful source of creativity. Our brain has been designed to protect us, and alert us of possible threats. That is why our thinking energy goes to repetitive and mostly negative thoughts about future speculations or resolve past events.
On top of that, our built-in mechanism to counterbalance these negative thoughts – the frontal lobe -can be easily overridden by fear, […]
Self-Care Rituals to Show us Self-Love
The most important relationship you will ever have is the relationships with yourself. That relationship will set the foundation for the rest of the relationships you will build in your life.
I invite you to embrace who you are with flaws and all, and if you have not already, to consider falling in love with yourself.
Unfortunately, many of us have been taught to put ourselves last, that thinking of ourselves is selfish, but nothing is further from the truth. […]
Honing our Communication Skills with S.E.W.
There is no question that communication skills is one of the most important abilities we can possess. The ability to effectively exchange information, ideas and feelings with others is key to building strong relationships, connection and understanding both at a personal and professional level.
By sharing information and viewpoints, we learn from others and help them learn from us. Effective communication fosters an environment of openness where people feel comfortable sharing ideas, feelings and knowledge, […]
How to Respond to the Heartbreaking News
So much happens around us every day that tugs at our heartstrings and evokes strong emotions.
We see heartbreaking stories of suffering, injustice and tragedy in the news, on social media and in our communities. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of pain out there.
Yet we must find a way to keep our emotional balance. Being overwhelmed with outrage and sorrow helps no one, least of all those who are suffering. […]
Loving Yourself
…And if I asked you to name all of the things that you love, how long would it take to name yourself?
The most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself. Loving yourself truly and deeply is the key to a happy and fulfilling life. If you lack self-love, you will see it affecting every aspect of your being, every relationship, even your professional life.
First and foremost, self-love leads to self-acceptance. […]
And You are Exhausted…….
Have you been hard on yourself for feeling tired & unmotivated? Have you judged yourself for not achieving your goals? Well…. there is a reason why you are feeling that way: you may have been living in survival mode.
May be just getting through each day has taken everything you have. Dealing with stress, difficulties, and the constant pressure of getting it all done may have left you with nothing in the tank. It’s exhausting. […]