Have you ever felt like you’re drowning in a sea of emotions, and no matter how hard you try to stay afloat, the waves just keep crashing over you? It’s a tough place to be, and I get it – we’ve all been there.
But here’s the thing: just like we wouldn’t hesitate to see a doctor if we had a nasty case of the flu, we shouldn’t hesitate to seek help when our mental health is suffering. […]
inner compass, wisdom
Being Different was your Strength All Along
Just imagine the 6-year-old, full of wonder and possibility. At that age, we’re all unique little snowflakes, right? Our quirks and differences are what make us special. But as we get older, society starts trying to put us all in these neat little boxes.
Conform, conform, conform – that’s the message we get from all angles. But you know what? That’s a load of malarkey! Our individuality, our ability to think outside the box, […]
How to Stop Being a People Pleaser – Steps
I know we all want to be liked and accepted, but constantly putting others’ needs before your own is a surefire way to burn out.
Trust me, I’ve been there – the endless cycle of saying yes when you really want to say no, sacrificing your own happiness for the sake of keeping the peace. It’s exhausting, isn’t it? And it carries a hidden cost.
But here’s the thing – you don’t have to live that way anymore. […]
Wish them Well & Let them Go
“Some people will not hear you regardless of how much, how loudly, how truthfully, how lovingly, or how profoundly you speak. Wish them well and let them go.”
Isn’t that just so true? It’s one of those harsh realities that we all have to face at some point in our lives.
No matter how hard we try, no matter how much effort we put into communicating our thoughts and feelings, there will always be people who just don’t get it. […]
The Greatest Act of Self Love
This quote encapsulates a powerful lesson we need to learn about valuing oneself and setting boundaries:
“This year, I learned to step away from people and spaces where I don’t feel valued.
I stopped overexplaining, forcing connections, and seeking validation from others. I trusted my intuition, set boundaries, and removed my energy without guilt.
I realized that protecting my peace is essential and that choosing myself is the greatest act of self-love.”
Isn’t that just so on point? […]
Does Time Heal All Wounds?
Do you think time heals all wounds? The ox asked the rabbit.
The rabbit shook her head and replied, I don’t think it’s time that heals. It’s what you do with time that makes us better or worse.
Time can definitely help us gain some perspective and distance from painful experiences. But I don’t think it’s just the passage of time itself that really does the healing.
It’s what we actively do with that time that makes the biggest difference. […]
Do not Shoot the Second Arrow
Have you ever heard the Buddhist story of The Second Arrow? It’s a powerful metaphor. It teaches us a lot about how we deal with pain and suffering in our lives.
The story goes like this: Imagine you’re out walking in the forest, and suddenly, you get struck by an arrow. Ouch! That first arrow represents the inevitable pain and difficulties we all face in life – physical pain, emotional heartbreak, loss, struggle and so on. […]
Sharing Someone Else’s Wound
My son was on a trip, a semester-long program in Israel, and then they traveled to Poland for 10-days.
On this program, he made a good friend, a new friend, named Mason.
When they got to Poland, they were touring some of the centers of Jewish life before the war. They were also going to the camps.
On the third or fourth day of the time in Poland, Mason disappeared for the day with one of the counselors on the program. […]
How to Respond to the Heartbreaking News
So much happens around us every day that tugs at our heartstrings and evokes strong emotions.
We see heartbreaking stories of suffering, injustice and tragedy in the news, on social media and in our communities. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of pain out there.
Yet we must find a way to keep our emotional balance. Being overwhelmed with outrage and sorrow helps no one, least of all those who are suffering. […]
A Medicine Woman’s Prayer
A Medicine Woman’s Prayer
I will not rescue you
for you are not powerless.
I will not fix you
for you are not broken
I will not heal you
for I see you in your wholeness.
I will walk with you
through your darkness
as you remember
your light.
We are all born with an inner light, a sense of wholeness and goodness within. Yet, life can cast shadows that dim our light and make us feel broken. […]