Mind, Body, Spirit ~ Within each of us lies a wisdom that, when accessed, can turn our experience into a peaceful and joyful reality. It is what allows us to see the abundance we are surrounded by, and leads us to search, learn, grow, expand and connect to others.
Embrace Mindfulness honors that wisdom by helping you connect to your experience as it arises and…[More]
Starting the New Year – Meditation
Deep relaxation – Guided meditation
Krishnamurti’s Secret
How to Navigate Transitions in Times of Uncertainty
As published in Lion’s Roar Magazine
Taming Worrying Thoughts
Watch Wisdom
Meditation ~ Taking a Break from Thinking: With so much going on in the world right now, it’s very easy to get stuck in detrimental thought patterns. Would you like to take a break from thinking? In this meditation, I will guide you to take a break from looping thoughts or from information overload which speculates about an uncertain future and leads to worry. We will get out of our heads and into our bodies so we can feel grounded and diminish the spin of thoughts and challenging emotions we may be feeling.
How to Break Free from Emotion Addiction: Have you been experiencing the same unpleasant emotions for a long time? In this talk, recorded live, Monica explores what emotion addiction is and how to free ourselves from their grip.
From the blog

The Greatest Burden …
“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of the parents.” It’s a heavy truth. When parents don’t chase their dreams or heal their wounds, the weight of their unresolved issues often falls on their kids. When parents have unresolved issues, unfulfilled hopes, unspoken regrets, or suppressed passions, they often unconsciously project them on to their children. This can create a lot of pressure for the son or daughter to fulfill what his/her parent could not. [...]

Music & Sound ~ The Medicine of the …
Edgar Cayce, often referred to as the “Sleeping Prophet,” made a fascinating prediction. He said the future of medicine will be music and sound. This statement may seem perplexing at first glance. However, his quote reveals a profound understanding of the intricate relationship between sound, vibration, and the human body. Cayce’s prophecy is rooted in the fundamental principle that everything in the universe, including our physical bodies, is composed of energy vibrating at specific frequencies. [...]

Challenges & Personal Growth …
Challenges are the fuel for growth, progress, and learning. When we are in the midst of a challenge, we usually feel overwhelmed & discouraged. We fear that things will never change, that we do not have the resources to navigate the difficulties. Remembering that things do not happen to us, that they happen FOR us, helps us to take a different perspective. It may look horrible right now; you may feel that this “winter” in […] [...]
Embrace Mindfulness helps you connect to your experience as it arises, and in that way access your inner power to change your relationship with stress, resistance, fear and anxiety.
We design and deliver interactive courses, workshops and presentations, classes, meditation, retreats, stress reduction, private sessions, and corporate wellness to guide you, and share tools for you to develop your personal strengths and your personal authority.
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