Have you ever heard the Buddhist story of The Second Arrow? It’s a powerful metaphor. It teaches us a lot about how we deal with pain and suffering in our lives.
The story goes like this: Imagine you’re out walking in the forest, and suddenly, you get struck by an arrow. Ouch! That first arrow represents the inevitable pain and difficulties we all face in life – physical pain, emotional heartbreak, loss, struggle and so on. […]
How to Navigate Life’s Turbulent Waters
No matter how calm the seas may seem at times, life will always bring its share of storms. Some come as rip currents, pulling us under for a moment before we find our footing again.
Others roll in as full-fledged hurricanes, threatening to upend everything in their path. But with the right skills and mindset, we can weather any storm that comes our way.
How we weather these storms and emerge from them, determines not just our short-term wellbeing, […]
Self-Care Rituals to Show us Self-Love
The most important relationship you will ever have is the relationships with yourself. That relationship will set the foundation for the rest of the relationships you will build in your life.
I invite you to embrace who you are with flaws and all, and if you have not already, to consider falling in love with yourself.
Unfortunately, many of us have been taught to put ourselves last, that thinking of ourselves is selfish, but nothing is further from the truth. […]
Resistance to what IS breeds dissatisfaction. Much of our pain comes from wanting things to be different than they are. Yet reality is as it is, and fighting against it is futile and only brings more struggle. Acceptance is crucial to stop suffering.
When we accept things as they are in this present moment, a deep feeling of peace can arise within us. Suddenly, there is no longer friction between our desires and reality. […]
How to Respond to the Heartbreaking News
So much happens around us every day that tugs at our heartstrings and evokes strong emotions.
We see heartbreaking stories of suffering, injustice and tragedy in the news, on social media and in our communities. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of pain out there.
Yet we must find a way to keep our emotional balance. Being overwhelmed with outrage and sorrow helps no one, least of all those who are suffering. […]
A Medicine Woman’s Prayer
A Medicine Woman’s Prayer
I will not rescue you
for you are not powerless.
I will not fix you
for you are not broken
I will not heal you
for I see you in your wholeness.
I will walk with you
through your darkness
as you remember
your light.
We are all born with an inner light, a sense of wholeness and goodness within. Yet, life can cast shadows that dim our light and make us feel broken. […]
What Can a Buffalo Teach us?
Did you know that buffalos and cows behave very differently when facing storms? While cows will run away from an approaching storm, buffalos have a tendency to run straight towards it.
Cows see storms as a threat and react out of fear, so their instinct is to flee to safety. As they run away from the storm, eventually the storm catches up to them, and they naturally spend more time in the worst of it. […]
Be Aware of what you Say to Her
Be aware of what you say to her…
She listens.
She watches. She takes it all in.
She thinks you are beautiful.
Stop telling her you are on a diet.
She listens when you say you are fat, ugly or when things are wrong..
She listens as you cry, swear, step on the scale every single day and maybe several times a day and speak badly about yourself.
Because in her eyes, she will one day remember.. […]
Energy Givers & Takers in Relationships
When it comes to relationships, some people are energy givers while others are energy takers.
When there is a “giver” and a “taker,” the relationship is unbalanced and both partners will eventually suffer. Usually the “giver” ends up feeling exhausted and resentful, and the “taker” is the one to leave. That’s why we have to learn to balance the energy within our relationships to achieve harmony and happiness.
Energy givers tend to be positive, […]
When our Emotional World is Set on Fire
Triggers set our emotional world on fire
The stories we weave in our mind become so vivid and rich, even colorful and persuasive sometimes, that we believe our own creative narratives, and we drive ourselves crazy with worry, anxiety, or anger.
In The Path is Everywhere: Uncovering the jewels hidden within you, Matt Licata, PhD, gives an accurate description of what we experience when we are triggered: our emotional world is set on fire. […]