I would like to share with you a beautiful and significant poem about the inexorability passage of time, and what we can do to make the best of it. Enjoy
Barely the day started and
it’s already six in the evening.
Barely arrived on Monday
and it’s already Friday.
.. and the month is already over.
.. and the year is almost over.
.. and already 40, 50 or 60 years
of our lives have passed. […]
Life is Like a Cup of Coffee
Stories can move us and change our state of mind.
That’s how powerful stories can be.
Not long ago, on a day when I had started to feel overwhelmed by too many deadlines, I came across this anonymous lovely story. As soon as I read it, I saw the wisdom in it. I could immediately come back to my center, see things more clearly, from a different perspective and reconnect to what really matters. […]
How to Navigate Life’s Turbulent Waters
No matter how calm the seas may seem at times, life will always bring its share of storms. Some come as rip currents, pulling us under for a moment before we find our footing again.
Others roll in as full-fledged hurricanes, threatening to upend everything in their path. But with the right skills and mindset, we can weather any storm that comes our way.
How we weather these storms and emerge from them, determines not just our short-term wellbeing, […]
Honing our Communication Skills with S.E.W.
There is no question that communication skills is one of the most important abilities we can possess. The ability to effectively exchange information, ideas and feelings with others is key to building strong relationships, connection and understanding both at a personal and professional level.
By sharing information and viewpoints, we learn from others and help them learn from us. Effective communication fosters an environment of openness where people feel comfortable sharing ideas, feelings and knowledge, […]
Energy Givers & Takers in Relationships
When it comes to relationships, some people are energy givers while others are energy takers.
When there is a “giver” and a “taker,” the relationship is unbalanced and both partners will eventually suffer. Usually the “giver” ends up feeling exhausted and resentful, and the “taker” is the one to leave. That’s why we have to learn to balance the energy within our relationships to achieve harmony and happiness.
Energy givers tend to be positive, […]
When our Emotional World is Set on Fire
Triggers set our emotional world on fire
The stories we weave in our mind become so vivid and rich, even colorful and persuasive sometimes, that we believe our own creative narratives, and we drive ourselves crazy with worry, anxiety, or anger.
In The Path is Everywhere: Uncovering the jewels hidden within you, Matt Licata, PhD, gives an accurate description of what we experience when we are triggered: our emotional world is set on fire. […]
I understand the urge to help others and make them happy. But it’s equally important to take care of yourself first. You cannot pour from an empty cup.
Recharging your own batteries is absolutely crucial. Taking time for yourself does not make you selfish – it makes you effective. When your energy is full, you can show up for others from a place of abundance rather than scarcity and burnout.
So give yourself permission to rest. […]
What Triggered You?
When someone’s behavior, words, or reaction in the present moment remind us of a painful experience in our past, we may have an exaggerated reaction. We are triggered.
The amygdala, which detects threats and controls emotional reactions, becomes activated. Hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are released, preparing the body for “fight, flight, freeze or fawn.”
Our reactivity is automatic and unconscious. It may be to FLEE (detach, dismiss and minimize), FREEZE (become anxious and fix), […]
The Tigers & The Strawberry
Someone I know brought up his fear of old age and death. It made me think of a Zen Parable I had read a long time ago. I always carry it close to my heart and it has been a source of inspiration for me.
Have you ever heard about the Zen Parables? They are called a Koans, a Japanese term that dates from the 7th century. These parables were used to produce doubt, […]
The Art & Power of Listening
Every act of communication is an act of tremendous courage in which we give ourselves over to two parallel possibilities.
First, the possibility of being seen and understood, and of being accepted.
At the same time we are planting into another mind a seed sprouted in ours, and watching it blossom into a breathtaking flower of mutual understanding says Ursula Kroeber Le Guin in her book The Wave in the Mind
Feeling understood brings along a sense of validation that connects us to the other, […]