When it comes to relationships, some people are energy givers while others are energy takers.
When there is a “giver” and a “taker,” the relationship is unbalanced and both partners will eventually suffer. Usually the “giver” ends up feeling exhausted and resentful, and the “taker” is the one to leave. That’s why we have to learn to balance the energy within our relationships to achieve harmony and happiness.
Energy givers tend to be positive, […]
In a Dark Place or Just Been Planted?
Sometimes when you are in a dark place you may feel you have been buried, when in fact you have been planted.
This quote by Christine Caine holds a profound truth about hardship and struggle. When we are going through difficult times, it can feel like we are trapped in darkness with no hope or escape. The quote suggests that what feels like being buried in darkness may actually be a planting – […]
What Triggered You?
When someone’s behavior, words, or reaction in the present moment remind us of a painful experience in our past, we may have an exaggerated reaction. We are triggered.
The amygdala, which detects threats and controls emotional reactions, becomes activated. Hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are released, preparing the body for “fight, flight, freeze or fawn.”
Our reactivity is automatic and unconscious. It may be to FLEE (detach, dismiss and minimize), FREEZE (become anxious and fix), […]
This is my secret ~ J Krishnamurti
This is a story about J. Krishnamurti, the great Indian philosopher and spiritual teacher. For over 50 years he travelled all over the world, speaking, teaching trying to explain in words concepts and ideas that are beyond words. I read a story about him once surprising his audience by saying he was going to reveal his secret “Do you want to know my secret?”
So, as you can imagine, everyone was listening attentively. Everyone wanted to hear the secret of his wisdom. […]
How to Create New Emotional & Spiritual Energy for 2023
The beginning of a new year can start a new chapter in our lives
Why is it so difficult to follow through with our New Year’s resolutions despite our best intentions?
From a therapeutic perspective, for a resolution to work, it is crucial to bring self-awareness and honest self-reflection into the process.
We can design real and permanent change if we take some time to look back, assess and reflect on what worked and what did not work in our lives. […]
What impermanence can teach us
When we realize that the nature of things is change, our appreciation, our gratitude and our ability to value what we have when we have it increases exponentially.
Like nothing else, impermanence can teach us how to treasure every aspect of life and how to live fully. Let’s not wait. Life is as fragile as a sand castle. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. In the face of impermanence, only love can exist, […]
How to work with anger
Monica explores how to meet anger with conscious awareness
This article was first published on Lion’s Roar on June 28, 2022.
While I don’t consider myself an angry person, I have always had an open curiosity about anger. As a child, I remember experiencing deep fear in the chaotic moments of my mother’s angry spells. I felt helpless and anxious, but I suppressed these emotions because of my fear of adding more intensity to my mom’s outbursts, […]
Cómo Empezar el 2022 Emocional y Espiritualmente Fuertes
Comenzamos un nuevo año, y con él tenemos la oportunidad de comenzar un nuevo capítulo en nuestras vidas.
Nos hacemos promesas con respecto a lo que queremos lograr, pero pronto nos olvidamos de ellas.
¿Por qué es tan difícil cumplir con nuestras metas de Año Nuevo a pesar de nuestras mejores intenciones? Desde una perspectiva terapéutica, para que una resolución funcione es fundamental incorporar al proceso la autoconciencia y la autorreflexión honesta.
Podemos diseñar un cambio real y permanente si nos tomamos un tiempo para mirar hacia atrás, […]